Online Webinars at Arthur J. Gallagher

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. is one of the world's largest insurance brokerages.  Due to reductions in travel budgets in the recent past, the company looked for innovative ways to keep its staff trained but at lower costs.  In 2010, the company initiated staff training using FranklinCovey's LiveClicks Webinar Workshops.  This interview with Meagan Proehl, Assistant Training Manager at Gallagher, summarizes the company's positive experience with online training.

Click here...

Event Announcement: Stephan MR Covey - Leading at the Speed of Trust

Come join us April 6th, 2011 at the Winter Garden on the Sprint Campus!

Return to shareholders in high-trust
organizations is almost three times higher
than the return in low-trust organizations.

What is trust costing you?
With a crisis of confidence impacting organizations
around the globe, trust is a more vital, hard-hitting
business issue than ever. Stephen M. R. Covey, author
of the best-selling book The Speed of Trust, will present
the case for making trust your strategic advantage.

Trust is a learnable and measurable skill that makes organizations
more profitable, people more promotable, and relationships more
energizing. Don’t miss this opportunity to see Stephen M. R. Covey
live, where he’ll demonstrate how trust:
• Accelerates growth.
• Increases shareholder value.
• Enhances innovation.
• Improves collaboration and execution.

Here are the details!

8:00 a.m. Check-In & Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Keynote Presentation

$249 Individual Attendee
$229 Group of 3 - 9
$199 Group of 10 or more

Click here to register at
or contact Jon Jardine at 801-817-5230 or

FranklinCovey interviews best-selling author Dr. Daniel Amen

Todd Davis, Chief People Officer for FranklinCovey, interviews best-selling author Daniel Amen.  Dr. Amen's groundbreaking research has shown that people can change and improve the structure and function of their brains and in doing so, improve overall health, happiness and success. 

Click here to watch!

The Runaround Dilemma

Because we don't know what is really important to us, everything seems important.

Because everything seems important, we have to do everything.

Other people, unfortunately, see us as doing everything, so they expect us to do everything.

Doing everything keeps us so busy, we don't have time to think about what is really important to us.

- Anonymous

FranklinCovey LiveClicks webinars for values/time management

Speed of Trust

Stephen MR Covey Video - Watch this and join us this Thursday to watch Stephen MR Covey give a keynote during lunch at the NELI convention.

4 Disciplines of Execution

Opryland Video - A video about the impact of the 4 Disciplines of Execution on guest satisfaction and customer loyalty at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.  Please use this video in conjunction with the printed case study available on this website and entitled, "Guest Satisfaction at Gaylord Opryland." 

Meet the Franklin Covey "Enablers"!

Larry Reynolds
Senior Client Partner
Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, & South Dakota
o: 913.721.3650
c: 913.638.6151

Tom Schreiber
Client Partner
Kansas, & Missouri
c: 913.568.2111

Jonathan Jardine
Associate Client Partner
Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, & South Dakota
o: 801.817.5230
c: 303.842.8000